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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Bengkel Pelan Periodisasi

Actually only few of the state are in the sleeping mode. They not even bother to organize any activities to stimulate the development of sports in their state and only depend on others to do the job for them. The Tukul culture (kena pukul baru jalan) should be stop and everybody must play their part to help us develop sports in their on back yards.

Sabah is one of the state we see can produce more young and potential athlete. This can be achieved if they show more pro active and positive attitude toward organizing many program/activities in the state. We must applaud USPTN Sabah for their effort to organize this workshop to charter training program towards SUKMA in 2010. Congratulation guys.

Unit Sukan Prestasi Tinggi Negeri Sabah dengan kerjasama Majlis Sukan Negeri Sabah dan Pusat Satelit ISN, Kota Kinabalu telah menganjurkan Bengkel Pelan Periodisasi pada 26-28 Julai 2009 bertempat di Kompleks Tabung Haji, Kota Kinabalu.

Seramai 22 orang jurulatih ( USPTN, Persatuan Sukan Negeri, Sekolah Sukan Negeri) telah menyertai kursus selama 3 hari.

Kursus ini telah dikendalikan sepenuhnya oleh Instruktor daripada Institut Sukan Negara, En. Lam Fei Eng ( Pengarah Pusat Satelit, Cawangan Pusat Satelit Institut Sukan Negara), En. Thung JS ( ISN ) , Cik Loo Lean Shiong ( ISN ) dan dibantu oleh pegawai Pusat satelit ISN Kota Kinabalu Encik Ruji Sompong dan Cik Nursyadatina Ain.

Peserta juga telah dikehendaki membuat pelan periodisasi mengikut sukan masing-masing dan dibentangkan pada hari terakhir.

Majlis penutupan bengkel telah disempurnakan oleh Pengarah Majlis Sukan Negeri Sabah, Encik Abdul Rahman. Turut hadir majlis penutupan, Encik Eduardo Marusin, ( Ketua Pusat, Pusat Satelit ISN Kota Kinabalu) dan pegawai2 Pusat Satelit ISN , Kota Kinabalu.

The certificate as proof to the wife later...heheh

Our taiko from ISN

Good story heh

Report prepared by our SDO:
Mohd Rezwan
Peg. Pembangunan Negeri,
Cawangan Pelapis Negeri
Majlis Sukan Negara Malaysia

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