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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mesyuarat Ketua Unit Negeri Bil 3/11

Mesyuarat Ketua Unit Negeri Bil 3/11 sedang berlangsung di Casa 1, Majlis Sukan Negara. Seramai 14 orang ketua unit dan 14 orang pegawai pembangunan negeri hadir ke mesyuarat ini. Turut diadakan adalah sesi pembentangan program latihan dan status capaian KPI bagi tempoh 6 bulan pertama. Mesyuarat ini akan berakhir pada 28 Julai.

Azrul Hisyam

1 comment:

  1. How many athletes has break the KOAM and notional records for 2011?
    MAAU should seriously plan a proper programme that could enhance athletes performance and break KOAM and notional records as some records achieved in 20 yrs and 40 yrs ago still maintained till now.

    On top of that, also not many records has break at MSSD and MSS Negeri and MSSM level.

    - Anak Malaysia yang mengambil berat tentang kesukanan tanah air


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