Northern Academy in Penang was establish in Jun 2008 to cater inspiring young athletes from northern region in term of systematic training and facilities. We manage to have cooperation from MSN Penang and MPSP to start the Pelapis Serantau Program in Penang.
After a year running it we still feel there much to do there in term of facilities and activities. Based on the test done by ISN sataliite center in Penang on our athletes the result was quite shocking. Few of the athletes suffer some degree of depression and most of them feel pressure. this condition worsen by the virtue of most of the athletes first based outside their comfort zone and far away from their parents. With the help of our UPSTN Penang dan ISN Satalite Center, few activities was organize to ease their pressure and depression. The outing activities to few places seem have multiple effent on the athletes, they are more responsive and commited to their daily training now.
We also try to instill feel home factor to the athletes by organizing Ramadhan Buka Puasa held on the 4th of September at poolside Sports Complex. The poolside chosen because of the lay back environment concept we want to use. Now more broad smile emerge from our athletes. They look happy and enjoy them self and the most important thing they feel they are not forgotten by us.
Suke yer kome....jgn asyik makan jerr