Monday, July 6, 2009


Date : 3 - 5 Julai 09
Venue : MSN Penang, Penang Water Sport Center
Organizer : USPTN Penang / ASZU
Participant : 17 athletes , 3 coaches

Being so far from KL, some how rather we didn't provide much intention of the well being of the athletes. The academy concept is so new and without much activities the athletes will be bored and this will lead into mental and attitude problem. Hopefully with variety of activities organize there, the athlete will be more cheer full and more focus to the training program set by the coaches.

thank to our USPTN Pulau Pinang Head of Unit and his staff, we manage to organize this first Get Away Camp for the ASZU athletes and also our deepest gratitude to ISN Northern Satellite Center for their cooperation and services.

Gym exercise lead by ISN Satellite staff
Beach activities.

We cant tell either it volleyball or skipping..hahahah

Poco-poco everybody???
Group hug...

Emmm durian..remind us of Fadhil promise to bring lorry load of Balik Pulau durian to us

Ok guys, after durian eating competition, 4 round ok??

Info provided by KUN UPSTN Pulau Pinang EN. fadhil. Thank again. (Your HP Nokia E71 shows that you got class bro)

1 comment:

  1. thank fadil and all usptn staff for planning this camp


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