Thursday, July 2, 2009

AYG UPDATES: Sailing Team

UPDATE - 7 JUNE 2009

Malaysian sailor Mohd Amirul Shafiq delivered bronze medal today in Byte event. Meanwhile Khairunneta Afendy paced 4th behind China in girls byte.
Congratulation to all...

Byte CII -Women
Result for 1/07/09
total Point for race 1- 5
1. Thailand - 6 point
2.Singapore - 9 point
3.China - 9 point
4.Mas - 16 point
5.Indonesia - 19 point
6.Japan - 20 point
7.Korea - 25 point
8.Pakistan - 26 point
9.Qatar - 33 point
race 4 - OCS ( melepasi garisan permulaan sebelum bermula)
race 5 - 4th
Byte CII - MEN
Total points for race 1-5
1.Singapore - 4 point
2.Thailand - 7 point
3.Mas - 14 point
4.China - 16 point
5.Indonesia - 19 point
6.Bahrain - 22 point
7.UAE -25 point
8.Japan - 26 point
9.Kazasktan - 27 point
10.Qatar - 39 point
11.Korea - 40 point
11.Pakistan - 46 point
Muhammad Amirul Syafiq
race 4 - 3rd
race 5 - 3rd


  1. teruskan usaha hingga mendapat pingat emas

  2. tak habis lagi ke race ini...bila nak habis??

  3. Heheh...sailing 5hb baru habis beb..

  4. Tahniah Sailing Team.....yall make us proud!..Malaysia Boleh!


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