Friday, July 17, 2009


DATE : 10-11 JULY 2009
VENUE : Padang USM, Minden Pulau Pinang

We would like to thank our Head of Unit in Penang for this report. Actually there are many event organized at the state level for our young athletes to participate and gain more experience but only few been reported due to the value of the news perceive by the media. At the same times the organizer didn't sees news coverage is important to promote the sports to the masses.

Anyway USM initiative should be applaud and appreciated. They now become a catalyst in the sport development in Penang and hope with this tournament more archer are unearth for the glory of the nation in the future.

The young archer will learn how to manage the competition
pressure if they been exposed with this level of competition regularly

AIM, Ready and Shoot

Hope the best archer will be selected for the SUKMA team

1 comment:

  1. do feel free to visit our blog


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